Thursday 31 May 2012

Learning about screw tops on wine bottles, a good laugh! - Betsy

I was used to opening wine bottles with a cork screw, first fumbling around the drawer amongst all the kitchen utensils for something to loosen that horrible metal covering and then struggling with the cork screw opener until finally 'pop' as the cork reluctantly relented. I had not encountered a screw top yet.

Some years ago we were in the Lake District at Windermere Manor when I bought a bottle of wine while waiting for our dinner. After sharing my bottle with friends and continuing to drink at the meal, I knew there was some wine left when we adjourned to the lounge to await the evening entertainment.

I had not poured the wine myself but now as we sat at a long table, I knew it was time to finish the wine, yum, yum. So I decided to pour the remaining wine myself and tipped the bottle gingerly over my glass, a hit and miss exercise at any time.

With the bottle tipped up it seemed as though nothing was coming out so I shook the bottle vigorously, determined to get my wine. I was mystified, however, as nothing seemed to be happening and finally a voice from the other end of the table said 'Remove the screw top.

I felt the bottle and sure enough, something unscrewed in my hand and wine began to come out. As I giggled about this, much laughter began to come from the far end of the table from those who had been watching and waiting to see what would happen.

I finally got my wine but who needs evening activities while such entertainment is taking place? Needless to say, I have not had this difficulty again. Just keep laughing!



  1. Great story Betsy, Thanks, Steve

  2. Never know Betsy have trouble finding the red wine. Must have been a shock to your system.
