Wednesday 15 April 2020

Week One in Lockdown - Amy

As of Friday closing times last week, everything involving any kind of fun has closed. Restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, cinemas, everywhere I live my life really.  

This is the first week of lockdown in the UK, to slow down the spread of Coronavirus. It all just feels so wrong. I feel trapped and like I desperately need to escape.  

In January this year I finished six months of therapy for post traumatic stress disorder, which was partly caused by my sight loss. I have finally got into a good place mentally and now this happens. I need to go out and socialise regularly to keep my mind healthy and happy. I don’t usually have the most hectic schedule, but I do try to go out and do something most days. Staying in the house for more than a few days makes me feel quite down. It is not anything to do where I live, or who I live with, I would be the same anywhere. I just need to be out there and living my life. Luckily I don’t live alone, but I still need to be out, moving around and seeing different people. The thought of doing this for weeks or even months really does scare me. I know things could be a lot worse for me, at least everybody that I know is well. I do understand why this is happening, but staying in for long periods of time really doesn’t do me any good.  That worries me just as much as going out does. There is nowhere to go, nothing to look forward to. I can try and look forward to when this is all over but it seems quite cruel because nobody knows when this is going to end. That is what I really need to know, even if I don’t like the answer, I need a date to work towards and focus on. This might be lowering the risk of catching Coronavirus, but my worry is that it is going to cause major problems in other ways for people, physically and mentally. 

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